Tuesday 11 December 2012

Summary of Pitch Feedback

From our pitch feedback, we have found that we need to make some slight changes to our narrative as we don't want the music video to come across to cheesy or cliche. The run up to the girl at the end of the video could make it appear to cheesy which is why we have decided that Beau will just be walking towards the girl. We need to explain how stop motion will work with the rest of the footage, and we need to think about the variety of footage that we will be including. Also we need to work on the styling and image of the artist as it might not fit exactly with the song. We will work on our target audience as our feedback shows that they think the target audience is too young for that type of music and should possibly aimed at more mature, young adults. Therefore, we need to do more research about the types of target audiences that would listen to this type of music. If we change our target audience it will also mean that we need to make changes to our audience profile and demographics.

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